"As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” JOHN 17:18


Our desire is to be a people who glorify God and enjoy Him forever.


Hope Evangelical Free Church (Hope EFC) is evangelical in doctrine and congregational in church practice. The church is built upon the Lord Jesus and our foundation is His word.

We are Here To

Worship the Lord
The pursuit of life and church is to worship God and to please Him with all that we are, in all that we do, and in every circumstance good and bad.

Preach the Gospel
We believe that every believer is empowered by the Spirit to be a witness to the Gospel of Jesus in word and deed. We faithfully preach God’s word and declare it where the name of Jesus has never been heard.

Disciple the Body
When Jesus invites us to faith, He calls us to follow Him in trust and obedience. We seek to disciple one another in Christ’s body in order that all would ‘see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, and follow Him more nearly.’

Serve the Community
God’s church does not exist for its members alone. We are convinced that the most visible expression of faith is our love and service to those who are not a part of the church.