He gave himself for us, to rescue us from all wickedness and to make us a pure people who belong to him alone and are eager to do good. TITUS 2:14
The ministry of God’s church must invariably include service and ministry to the community where we are placed. It is following in the steps of Jesus our Master who not only declared the good news of God’s Kingdom, but also “went around doing good.” The heart of God is for the poor, marginalized and the stranger in our midst. Therefore our service in the community reflects the God we worship, the evidence of our salvation and the outward expression of our transformation. Talk to us and learn how you too can be a part of this vital ministry.
The Marginalised
Hope EFC ministers to the needy and especially the aged in our neighborhood. Festive seasons in particular allow our members to spend time with those who don’t have families to celebrate with.
Children’s Training Center is a learning centre that was established to provide refugee children an opportunity for basic primary school education. The Learning Centre which is endorsed by UNHCR, was started in 2009 and refugee teachers are among our teaching staff. Enrolment as at mid-2024 is close to 300, comprising various nationalities and ethnicities. CTC offers schooling from Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Orang Asli
The indigenous people who live on the fringes of society are often left out of national development. Hope EFC has been actively engaged with a few villages, sharing the good news, assisting to develop sustainable economies and serve the common good for a number of years.